Brittney learned to drive in her mom's XJ and about 8 years ago, she bought her first of many Wranglers with her husband Eric. She is quite the busy body and loves to organize and plan events in and out of the off-road sector. You will usually find her on the trails with her camera or driving Scarlett, the rig that she shares with her husband as their main off-road vehicle. She also drives an LJ as her daily.
“Scarlett” is a 2005 TJ Rubicon with an upgraded D60's with an Ox lockers in the front and rear. 4:88 gears, coil overs in the front, ORI's in the back, is stretched to 112 inches, 43" TSL SX Stickies, a custom cage, PRP seats and harnesses.
Her likes:
Party planning, days on the trail with friends, photography, spa days, and margaritas.
Her dislikes:
SNAKES, Ranch dressing, smelly mud puddles, and mosquitos.
Brittney's favorite wheeling trips were to Moab, Utah and Ouray, Colorado.
Favorite thing about off-roading... spending time with my off-road family!
Brittney and Shanna formed Crawl the Ozarks in 2019 and with the help of some amazing guides they have grown this event to be even more than they imagined.